AGI means Artificial General Intelligence, i.e., human-level AI. The term “intelligence” is fraught so we’re defining AGI in terms of capabilities. Set physical capabilities aside and imagine hiring a remote worker — someone who can participate in Zoom calls, send emails, write code, and do anything else on any website or web app. If an AI can do all those things at least as well as humans, it counts as AGI.
I’ve committed (of course I have a Beeminder graph for this) to post updates on AI progress — the latest fun toys, the latest extrapolations of lines on log-plots, pointers to other resources, whatever seems topical — every Friday.
Who is Daniel Reeves?
I’m mostly known around the internet as a cofounder of Beeminder but also have a PhD in computer science, specializing in AI, and, more specifically, algorithmic game theory.
Where do I start?
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